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Roulette Systems That Work

Roulette is a casino game with a history of more than 250 years, and many strategies have been developed over time to give players an edge. They all claim to “work”, but are there roulette systems that actually work? Below, we will answer this question by touching on the most popular ones.

Introduction to Roulette Strategy Systems

Roulette systems and strategies basically focus on either the chance of winning or bet management. The first group includes examples like James Bond ($20 roulette strategy): their goal is to increase the player's chances by covering as many outcomes as possible. In the second group, there are options such as the spot roulette system: by decreasing or increasing the bet amounts according to certain rules, they try to ensure that at a certain point, the player wins a payout large enough to cover all his losses and make a profit. But at its core, the goal of every win roulette system is to enable the player to beat the casino.

Understanding Roulette Gambling Systems

Betting systems are considered by most players to be the most successful roulette strategy, because although it is theoretically possible to increase the chance of winning, such systems do not give any results in the long run as the RTP/house edge values ​​will not change. Therefore, the vast majority of Internet roulette systems are focused on betting management.

They all basically focus on the assumption that the player will eventually win. Their goal is to ensure that the payout is as large as possible when this happens – so the players can cover their losses and even make some profit.

The Impact of House Edge on Roulette Systems

In roulette, the outcome of each spin is determined randomly, so there is no such thing as “most common roulette patterns”. The game is mathematically designed to give the edge to the casino, which makes a certain percentage of profit from each player bet, and this is called the “house edge”. For European roulette it is 2.70% and for American roulette, it is 5.26%. No one and no strategy can change these values.

For the same reason, there is no such thing as roulette strategies that work: the house edge value will always remain constant, so as long as you continue to play, the casino always wins in the long run. No strategy guarantees winning. However, it is possible to say that some systems can limit your losses, at least in the short term. Below, we'll take a closer look at the most popular of these systems.

1. The Martingale Roulette Winning System

This is an easy roulette system because it has only one rule: if you lose, you double the bet and continue doing so until you win. For example, let's say you start playing with 10 CAD: if you lose, you have to bet 20 CAD in the next round, and if you lose that too, you have to bet 40 CAD in the next round and so on. If you win, you return to the initial wager amount and repeat the cycle.

Theoretically, Martingale works because you can cover all your losses and earn some profit with a single win, but there are two risks: losing repeatedly will cause you to consume all your money in a very short time. For example, in the tenth round (if you still haven't won) you will need to bet 1,023 times the initial wager amount. Additionally, if you reach the table maximum bet limit, you cannot increase the wager further and the system becomes ineffective.

2. The Fibonacci Roulette Gambling System

Fibonacci is a mathematical sequence in which each number is the sum of the two numbers before it, and it is associated with the “golden ratio”. Because of this connection, some players consider it to be the roulette best system. Just like Martingale, it asks you to increase the bet amount as you lose, but you do this according to the Fibonacci sequence, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, and so on.

The increase in bet amounts is not as aggressive as Martingale, but you will experience the same problems in the long run. Losing for long periods in a row or reaching table limits will render the strategy ineffective.

3. The D’Alembert System

There are many players who think that this is the best roulette system because the bet increase is more controlled. This strategy asks you to decrease the wager amount by 1 unit if you win and increase it by 1 unit if you lose. You start with 10 CAD and lose – next round, the wager should be 20 CAD. If you win this round, you return back to 10 CAD and so on.

It is less risky than both Martingale and Fibonacci but is still affected by long losing streaks and table limits, it will just take longer to become ineffective.

4. The Labouchere System

When it comes to a roulette system that works, this is the favorite of some players. First, you determine the amount you want to win, for example, 50 CAD. Then, you create a series of numbers that add up to this amount, for example, 10 – 20 – 10 – 10. Your first bet is the sum of the first and last numbers of this series (20 CAD). If you win, you delete the first and last digits. If you lose, you add the loss amount to the end of the series and continue – the goal is to clear all the digits. Once you can do this, you will reach your target profit.

This is a more flexible strategy and the increase in the wager amount is more controlled, but it is quite complex compared to the others and once again becomes dysfunctional in long losing streaks.

5. The Paroli System

Paroli is also based on a pretty simple principle: after winning you double the bet amount, and after winning or losing three times in a row, you go back to the initial wager amount and repeat the cycle.

It is a system that aims to optimize winning streaks and eliminate the negative effects of losing streaks, but it is almost useless in short playing sessions and in the long run, it has the same problems as the others, only these problems will take a little longer to appear.

Practical Advice for Using Online Roulette Systems

In short, there is no online roulette strategy that works: each one has its own problems and limitations. There is no fixed “best online roulette system” that will give an edge to every player out there: such a thing is impossible. A long losing streak will make all of them useless, and nobody can say when you will win or lose. For the same reason, managing your bankroll wisely can be the best roulette system you can use: understand risks, learn the odds, play responsibly, and try to make the best decisions according to your play style and budget. Otherwise, you won’t be able to survive the volatility that comes with every roulette strategy out there.